sábado, 11 de febrero de 2012


We use the past simple for:
a. Actions which happened at a definite stated time in the past.
     i.e Ted invited his friends to his house last Sunday.

b. Past habits
   i.e. He played the piano when he was young.

       1.       Affirmative: We form the past simple of regular verbs by adding  ed   to the main verb.
               They cleaned the kitchen yesterday

       2.       Negative: We form negative sentences with the auxiliary DID + NOT = DIDN’T. When we
               use this the main verb doesn’t change. It stays in the same way.
              He did not (didn’t) close the window in the morning.

3.       Interrogative:  We form questions with the auxiliary verb DID. The subject pronoun and the main verb without –Ed.
             Did you jump the rope this weekend?

- Verbs ending in -e talke only -d (like - liked)
- Verbs ending in a consonant + y, drop the y and take -ied  (study - studied)
- Verbs ending in one stressed vowel between two consonants double the last consonant and take    -ed (stop - stopped)
- Verbs ending in one I, double the I and take -ed (travel - travelled)
Time expressions for past
      -          Yesterday
      -          Last week, last month, last year
      -          Two days, weeks, months, years ago
      -          In 1979, 2005, 2012

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